
Transcend Investment Services Pvt Limited (henceforth referred to as TISPL) is an online platform of Wealth Management Services (distribution of financial products). The company is registered with Association of Mutual Funds in India. The information on various financial products is given only to assist the customer in making informed decisions to suit his/her financial investment needs and should not be construed as investment advice. However, before making investments the customer must exercise his own judgment. TISPL does not endorse the other sites to which the links are or may be provided through www.tispl.in.net and/or their contents and/or the owners thereof.

The information on this website is for informational purposes only. While best efforts have been taken to ensure accurate and authentic data TISPL, its affiliates and content licensors assume no liability for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

TISPL does not warranty the timeliness, accuracy or quality of the electronic content and take no responsibility for any loss or profit arising out of decisions being made by anyone acting on the analysis or recommendations published on this website.

Other information on the websites such as fact sheets, news, NAVs, stock quotes, graphs etc. is sourced by TISPL from various sources. Although the sources from which the Company gathers the information are believed to be reliable and accurate, TISPL does not in any manner endorse the accuracy or sufficiency of the information and it will not be liable/responsible for any inaccuracy or error in the said information.

All investments in Mutual Funds, PMS, AIFs, Debentures, Bonds, Structured Notes are subject to market risk. Please read the offer document carefully before investing. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.